Time once again for Word Bird Wednesday! You don't have to be an experienced bird watcher or photographer (Thank the LORD) to join in the fun. All you really need is a love of birds--observing them, photographing them, feeding them, learning about them, sharing them, enjoying them--or just ooohing and ahhhing over the finds of others. Whatever it is you enjoy about birds, join up with Springman's Word Bird Wednesday at
The Pine River Review. You won't be sorry--unless you miss it.
While the weather was GORGEOUS I was busy preparing the raised beds for planting. Now that the weather has turned cold and rainy, I've been looking for some feathered friends for today's post. Finally, the rain went away and a few birds came out to eat. Which was not an easy task because, the Starlings are at it again!
Finally, a Grackle moves in and dares the Starling to say one word about it... |
Hey lady, can't you do something about those freaking Starlings? |
This is the first American Robin that I've seen at the bird bath this spring. |
This pretty Mockingbird came along after the Starlings flew away. |
You got some awesome MidAir shots of the Starlings..AND that big Grackle...I know they can be a pest too..but such a handsome bird!
We have a Fence Mockingbird..he lives on the fence and you dare not go near there unless you want to be attacked--lol
I have Onions in my garden, and a wee bit of lettuce, half the seed didnt germinate so I gotta replant--
Those are amazing pictures and certainly tell a story..Great shots!!
Sondra-The Grackle I got that day is not our biggest one! I haven't been able to plant yet because of all this rain---but we really need it.
Saimi-thank you!
Great activity!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
I loved my first sampling of your blog! What patience you had, waiting to capture all of those photos! Delightful commentary, too!
Thank you so much for visiting me and for your lovely comment! :)
Lovely images of the Starlings a beautiful bird to observe. You have some great birds visiting your feeders, many thanks for sharing.
Gary- Even today, in the pouring down rain, they were out there being nasty to each other!
Desiree- Thank you! I sit at the window with my little dog...I look for birds, he looks for squirrels.
Andrew- Beautiful yes. But a pain as they fight and each all the food!
Those Starlings look like a rowdy bunch.I'm glad to see that they left and gave the other birds a chance.
Now that is some action! If one wants to hang out at your garden party they should be packing a sharp beak. Your suet seems to be a hot item in the hood!
Fun series! I love the photo of he Robin with its reflection in the birdbath!
A great set of images. Well done.
My husband and I love the birds too. He's constantly filling the feeders. AND he chases the black birds away. I told him they have to eat too but they seem to rule the feeders when they come to visit.
He has them on rope pulleys to raise the feeders high to keep them away from our deer friends.
I told him if he chased away the black birds then he is a racist bird feeder. You can't deny one bird over the other or play favorites. But I have to say my fave is the Cardinal. I love when they swoop in.
Enjoyed reading your blog.
Writing: the ups and downs
Ruth- They left after they got tired of Tucker running out there chasing the squirrels! LOL
Springman-The starlings eat every single morsel of it every single day. This is getting costly...according to Hubs. LOL
Rebecca- I was so glad to see the robin in the yard!
Foto-Thank you!
Barb- Thank you! The starlings and grackles show up in the morning and late afternoon and they eat everything! If I see some smaller, less intimidating birds, I will chase the big ones off...if I don't, the little ones will miss out!
A great series of photos showing all the activity at your suet feeder! The We have the same problem here and the Starling quarrels get so noisy!
Birds can be so mean LOL but nice shots!
Very nice pictures of your garden birds -- I enjoyed thelm. And I love what you said in the first paragraph about not needing to be an expert photographer, just somebody who enjoys birds. I say Thank the Lord too! I wouldn't be here if it were otherwise either.
bailey-Thank you! Oh yes- the noise is crazy!
C- Yes they can! Thank you!
Sallie-Me either! It is fun to look at all the photos that people submit, isn't it?
OMG you are good at photography! I love the pictures of then in mid-air. I really like the one with the bird bath as well. Awesome!
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