Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Very First One!

I can not believe I finally got a BALD EAGLE!  When we first started our walk this morning I noticed, quite suddenly, something very near the front pond---just to my left.  Just as suddenly, it took flight all the while I'm saying, "Wait! Wait!" as I am frantically getting my camera out of the bag.  Of course, I miss him standing by the pond AND in flight.  Of course.  Why would I have thought to be camera ready when one of the top three reasons for these daily walks is to take pictures of birds????  However, I was able to get him in the pine tree!  And, for now, that will just have to do.


Petula said...

Wow, he's beautiful and so are your pictures of him. I have never seen one that close before.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that is awesome. Great shot.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Bald Eagle and great shots!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Super captures of stately Eagle! I am very jealous!:)

Lisa @ Grandma's Briefs said...

This is so amazing! My husband -- lover of birds! -- was quite impressed. "Wow!" from both of us!

Shawn said...

What a magnificent bird and the pictures are amazing! Kuddo's to the photographer..You did a great job and thanks for posting.

Springman said...

Bravo! I am so happy for you. This is a profound moment for any birder/photographer. You certainly showed yourself worthy of the event. How quickly the day can change! Your photos recorded the sighting elegantly and it is a priveledge to share your experience!

Mike B. said...

Congrats! I will never tire of finding one and taking a bazillion photos.

Øyvind said...

Congratulations! Very beautiful bird, remember my first photos of an eagle, I got the eagle-shake in my legs :)