Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Word Bird Wednesday

It's Wednesday and that means it's time for Springman's Word Bird Wednesday. 

Springman started this as a way for bird lovers everywhere to share their photos/blogs/bird watching experiences with others.  WBW is up and ready each Tuesday through Thursday. 

All you have to do is follow the link to The Pine River Review and start posting your photos!

This week, I am sharing a Great White Egret and a White Ibis, or four.  Most of these were taken last week; a couple were taken three weeks ago. 


mick said...

Beautiful birds and all great photos but my favorite would be the 3rd one of the bird in flight. That is really special!

holdingmoments said...

What an elegant bird the Great White Egret is. One I'd love to see; quite a rarity here. Love that third shot, with the backlit wings.
And the equally handsome White Ibis. Beautiful.

Springman said...

You must have worn a big smile for days after you saw what marvelous photos you had taken. You've got everything here. Great light, reflections, close ups, birds in flight, group shots...any one of which could be the shot of the day and one or two for picture of the year. South Carolina is being very good to you. This is a beautiful and engrossing collection!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A stunning series of photos! Love the birds in flight as well as the ones just standing and dreaming!

Larry said...

Beautiful shots all! It is hard to pick a favorite, they are all so good, but The photo of the Egret and Ibis together really shows the size difference between them. The backlit shots and in-flight shots are gorgeous.

Carol E Wyer said...

I like them all but like some before me my favourite is the 'in flight' photo. Now this has made my morning. beautiful birds.

Pat Ulrich said...

lovely series of these beautiful white waders!

Arija said...

Such wonderful captures of both the egret and the ibis. Love the spread wings against the light.

Unknown said...

Great series of photos. Boom & Gary of The Vermilon River.

Judy said...

Wow!!! I love the third shot, where the sun comes shining through his wing feathers, and the water droplets are still falling off his feet! But my favourite is the last shot, where he is in full flight!

theconstantwalker said...

Stunning images. Many thanks for sharing.........

NatureFootstep said...

as I look not only at the bird but also at the photo itself I am impressed with the third shot. It is so beautiful with the backlight through the spread wings. All shots are good, but that one is special.

Unknown said...

Awesome captures! Hard to choose a favourite shot on this post. Great work!

Øyvind said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful bird! I love that small patch of light on the birds neck and head in the second shot. #3 is also very nice!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Very lovely shots of a gorgeous bird!

Unknown said...

Exciting news, there is a third bird in there!

The first two pics don't show a Great White Egret. The Bill isn't yellow, the legs aren't black, there is a hint of black on the tips of the wings, and it looks too small. To my eye, it looks like you might have seen a juvenile Little Blue Heron.


Empty Nester said...

OMG Blobby- you need to come hang out here until I get the hang of identifying birds! LOL

Unknown said...

Tell me about it ... I've almost no chance of seeing a Little Blue Heron up here in Michigan. Jealous!