Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Getting the Day Started

If we get to the ponds early enough we get to observe some morning rituals...

a little washing up before the first meal of the day...

before those blasted builders get there and start killing nature and making all that noise pollution, a mockingbird might serenade us....

Life at the pond is quiet in the morning before those builders....

before the unleashed dogs start chasing everyone away...

it's just breakfast time in the pond...

and from above...


Ruth Hiebert said...

An early morning visit yields wonderful images.

Darlene said...

That's a great way to start the morning. Beautiful photos.

Eri said...

Lovely pictures, I love your mornings!

Anne Mackle said...

Lovely photos and such a delight to see so many different birds.

Anonymous said...

pretty pics!

Sonia Lal, A to Z challenge

Empty Nester said...

Ruth- It certainly does. I think that's why I prefer mornings.

Darlene- Thanks! I really enjoy the early mornings!

Eri- Thanks! It's the best time of the day around here!

Cassam- There are quite a few out at the ponds every day! It's awesome!

SL- Thanks!

M said...

Love those duck pictures! I have chick eggs incubating right now...would have had duck eggs but the ranch did not have any so instead I have 2 goose eggs! Now that will be something if those hatch!

Happy A-Z April!

Empty Nester said...

M- The ducks are usually the most entertaining of all! We missed the geese- they flew away just before we went out. I know this because they flew right over our house!